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Hair Restoration

in Fort Collins, CO

PRP for Hair Regrowth

Revitalize Your Hair with PRP Hair Restoration

Hair loss is not just a cosmetic issue. It can wreak havoc on your psychological and emotional well-being. In the US 85% of all men experience significant hair loss by 50 years old, many however begin thinning decades before. Hair loss and thinning doesn’t just effect men, many women report changes in their hair after childbirth and as they age. By age 50, 50% of women report noticeable hair thinning or loss. Luckily, this condition has proven over the past ten years to respond well to PRP injections. PRP therapy is a proactive therapeutic option for male and female patients experiencing hair loss. PRP, also called Platelet Rich Plasma is a substance derived from your own blood. PRP works for hair loss by stimulating the stem cells and other cells in the microenvironment of the hair follicle to “wake up” and regrow.

The simple idea is that hair is lost when the hair follicle stops regenerating due to genetics, certain chronic illness, or emotional stress. The primary purpose of using PRP in hair restoration is to stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase. PRP Hair Restoration is proving an exciting non-surgical therapeutic option for patients who require stimulation of hair growth for hair loss conditions. The Fort Collins hair restoration patients who most benefit from PRP for hair loss are those in the earliest stages of hair thinning or loss. It is important to save the follicle before it glosses over and becomes completely dormant. Hair that has not regrown for five years or longer has a less likely chance of responding to PRP which is why early intervention is crucial for hair regeneration.


Conditions Treated:

  • Hair Loss
  • Hair Thinning
  • Alopecia


What To Expect with PRP Hair Restoration

  • First you will meet with a registered nurse for a thorough consultation to determine if you are a candidate for PRP for hair loss.
  • The day of treatment come well rested and hydrated.
  • A Fort Collins hair restoration expert will map out the injection areas to be treated and a zimmer chiller will be used to help cool and numb the scalp.
  • A small amount of blood will be drawn and spun in a device called a centrifuge.
  • Once the blood is spun the nurse then makes a series of 10-20 quick injections into the scalp and especially concentrated in areas experiencing the most hair loss.
  • Some clients experience minimal discomfort and bruising as well as swelling that can last approximately 24 to 48 hours.*
  • This treatment shows improving results gradually over the course of four months and onward.
Hair Restoration  Fort Collins


After Your Hair Restoration Treatment

  • Immediately following their hair restoration Fort Collins patients will be asked to go home and take a warm to hot shower. Please Do not use any product (shampoo/conditioner) on your head during this shower.
  • Hair Restoration is safe and has no chance for allergic reaction or lumps or bumps to smooth.*
  • If bruising occurs, it can last 5 to 7 days and swelling can last 2 to 3 days after the procedure.*
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle and taking all supplements is necessary to maintain and enhance results

Hair Restoration Commonly Asked Questions

PRP hair restoration is a highly effective and safe treatment however not everyone is a suitable candidate for PRP for hair loss. Those who have a significant amount of loss that spans half way or the entirety of the scalp may benefit more from surgical intervention. Also if the hair follicle has glossed over, usually around 5 years after hair loss, stimulating the hair follicle may no longer be possible. It is best to use PRP as an immediate therapeutic hair loss treatment to prevent and correct the beginning stages of hair loss.

The number of treatments varies case by case and is determined by the severity of hair loss. As a good rule of thumb the average PRP for hair loss client experiences full benefits after 4 initial injections, followed then by a maintenance cycle of one round of injections every six months. Some individuals may require up to six initial injections.

Unfortunately hair loss is an ongoing process that happens for varying reasons. Maintenance is the key to gaining your hair back and then keeping the hair you have. At Harmony Skin and Wellness Clinic we have created a complete haircare system that involves taking supplements and using the right hair products.

When considering these procedures please be sure to schedule 4-6 weeks prior to any special event or extended travel plans.

*Individual results will vary

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With confidence comes fulfillment. Welcome to a place that honors the whole person you are — a place committed to not only helping you to enhance your natural beauty on the outside, but your confidence within. We offer online booking for select services!

2126 Milestone Dr., Suite 115, Fort Collins, CO 80525

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